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FCG OPS ir viens no lielākajiem Eiropā sertificētajiem dispečeru centriem

Kas nodrošina lidojumu plānošanu, koordinēšanu un vadību, kā arī virszemes apkalpošanas pakalpojumus vairāk ka 50 lidostu tiklā.

Pilnīgs virszemes apkalpošanas pakalpojumu klāsts

Kuru nodrošina FCG OPS sertificētie pārstāvji uz vairāk nekā 40 lidostu peroniem Baltijā, Skandināvijā, NVS un Austrumeiropā.

Pilnīgs degvielas pakalpojumu klāsts

Komerciāliem un privātiem lidojumiem.

IATA akreditēta tūrisma aģentūra

Apkalpo biznesa aviācijas ekipāžas un strādā 24/7 režīmā.


Vairāk nekā 20 gadu garumā FCG OPS, Flight Consulting Group (FCG) holdinga uzņēmums, ir uzkrājis ievērojamu pieredzi darbā ar vairāk nekā 400 lidojumiem ar dažādām aviokompānijām.

Mūsu 25 dispečeru komanda izmanto detalizētu pieeju lidojumu atbalstam, plašo kontaktu loku, savas zināšanas un iegūtos efektīvos padomus, lai savus ikdienas darbus pildītu ar augstāko profesionalitāti.

FCG OPS ir viens no lielākajiem Eiropā sertificētajiem dispečeru centriem, kas nodrošina lidojumu plānošanu, koordinēšanu un vadību.

Uzzināt vairāk

Pilnīgs virszemes apkalpošanas pakalpojumu klāsts, kuru nodrošina FCG OPS sertificētie pārstāvji uz vairāk nekā 50 lidostu peroniem Baltijā, Skandināvijā, Centrālāzijā un Austrumeiropā.

Uzzināt vairāk

IATA akreditēta tūrisma aģentūra, kas apkalpo biznesa aviācijas ekipāžas un strādā 24/7 režīmā.

Uzzināt vairāk

Pilnīgs degvielas pakalpojumu klāsts komerciāliem un privātiem lidojumiem.

Uzzināt vairāk


FCG OPS  ir profesionāļu komanda, ar kuru lieliski strādāt, jo ir orientēta uz izcilu un efektīvu apkalpošanu, kas to ir pierādījusi daudzās dažādās situācijās. Turklāt, strādājot, ar FCG OPS lieliska un vienkārša saziņa ir integrēta visos mūsu darbplūsmas aspektos. Mēs virzāmies uz priekšu, lai ciešāk sadarbotos lidojumu vadībā un FBO.

Mikkel Kvistgaard
OCC Manager

Ar mūsu XLS, CJ un PC24 floti Silver Cloud Air strādā ciešā sadarbībā ar FCG kopš 2021. gada. Mēs novērtējām nepārtrauktu 24/7 dispečeru servisu, kā arī skaidru komunikācijas struktūru.

Jens Stein
NPFO, Member of the Board

Mēs strādājam ar FCG OPS jau vairākus gadus. Viņi sniedz lielisku servisu – uz jautājumiem tiek atbildēts ātri, viss ir skaidrs un vienkāršs, un pakalpojumu kvalitāte ir lieliska. FCG OPS ir ļoti efektīva un ārkārtīgi uzticama.

Lotta Holmstroma
Flight Operations Team Leader

Since the outset of our operations, AIR HAMBURG has had an ever growing and improving relationship with the FCG group. This does not just apply to the strong support from your operations team, and FBO, but the trust you place in us with BBAC as our loyal client.

One of the things that we feel really sets FCG apart is the strength of FCG’s Latvian and Baltic background. The combination of European business mentality along with connections really ensures that FCG is a clear winner for AIR HAMBURG in these regions.

Wim Van Vlaenderen
Commercial Director

FCG are very knowledgeable and efficient, they are an asset to our organisation’s OCC. There is mutual respect and we at DC Aviation Group value their partnership and flight operations support.

Stanley Bugeja
DC Aviation

Throughout all these past years, we have always considered your company as a trustworthy, reliable and excellent business partner.

The quality of your services given has always been extremely important and valuable for Global Jet.

We look forward to a continued and prosperous business relationship between Global Jet and FCG.

Laurent Autier
Managing Director

Great achievement thanks to FCG highly professional work which provides your clients with exceptional service! In the fierce competition, in your Industry, this was not easy, to compete every day through last 20 years. FCG is constantly oriented to give your clients the best possible service.

Tim Pavlovich
Senior Advisor to the Board of Directors, Operations & Sales

It was and still is a great pleasure working with you and your team since more than 10 years. We were always very satisfied with your great services and your well qualified and friendly employees. We trust in your work and we are looking forward for another long-term relationship.

Felix Feller

The win-win dynamics of the cooperation between our organizations creates for the passenger a seamless experience since we strive for perfection in service. Flight Consulting Group Team will personalize your travel experience.

David R. Colindres

FCG are great to work with, they have a professional and service minded support team!

Elsa Sirola
Sales & Operations Manager

FCG has been our valuable partner since many years. We count on their trip support for all our flights in the CIS region.

These missions can often be challenging. FCG is always ready to exceed our expectations no matter what surprises may come along. The ops team’s professionalism is unprecedented.
Throughout the years FCG has always offered the highest service. We highly value our strong relationship and mutual respect.

Lieven VAES
OCC Supervisor

In my over 40 years long aviation career in the worldwide business aviation community I encountered only a few business pearls and FCG is clearly one of them. I had the honor and privilege to witness their amazing growth in their baby and teenager times when their pearl was just a piece of sand. Their big pearl is shining not only in the Baltic countries but in many other locations.

Aviation expert
Former Air Routing International, Head of European office
